Module 9 - Changes Over Time

Video 10 of 17
3 min 53 sec

Understanding Behaviour Changes in Dementia: Adaptive Communication

Introduction to Behaviour Changes

Exploring how dementia alters communication and behaviour over time.

Interpreting Actions Through Pictures

Analyzing behaviours through visual cues.

  • View images depicting actions such as arranging dirty cups.
  • Discuss possible interpretations: tidying up, personal attachment to items, or adapting to dementia.
  • Highlight the need for adaptive equipment like plastic or melamine cups with lids or spouts.

Adaptive Equipment and Normalisation

Encouraging the use of adaptive equipment to maintain familiarity.

  • Explain how using different cups can lead to behavioural issues like hiding.
  • Advocate for mirroring the use of adaptive plates and cups by families and caregivers.

Understanding Unusual Behaviour: Urination in Unusual Places

Addressing common behavioural challenges in dementia.

  • Discuss the issue of urinating in unconventional locations.
  • Explain the loss of control and the seeking of permission as a common cause.
  • Suggest a practical solution: inviting the person to use the toilet whenever passing by.