Module 6 - Changing Circumstances

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2 min 39 sec
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Understanding Communication Challenges in Dementia

Recognising Different Communication Needs

Understanding how different conditions affect communication.

  • Blindness alters communication methods, as does deafness.
  • Dementia changes how individuals communicate compared to those with healthy cognitive function.

Opening Minds to Change

Importance of having an open mind to improve understanding and support.

  • Highlighting the need for openness to improve connections within families.
  • Ensuring people with dementia are not excluded from conversations due to communication barriers.

Challenges Faced by Families

Exploring the emotional journey of families facing dementia.

  • Diagnosis brings fear, anxiety, and grief to families.
  • Lack of preparation and support for families navigating dementia.
  • Struggles in accepting the changes in their loved one's behaviour due to dementia.

Supporting Families and Reducing Guilt

Addressing guilt and denial to facilitate better understanding and adaptation.

  • Comparing adaptation to childhood disabilities with the challenges of dementia.
  • Providing necessary support to help families overcome guilt and denial.
  • Promoting changes in communication strategies and handling behavioural challenges positively.