Module 1 - Definitions

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Firstly we will explain what the words dementia and interpreter actually mean. The word dementia is an umbrella term for many different diseases and, indeed, there is believed to be over 100 forms of dementia. Actually, some say there is 200 and in time we will list every single one within the dementia dictionary. The obvious ones that you will probably have heard of are Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia and frontal temporal dementia. Again, these are just a few and, perhaps most recognised, however, simply put, they are symptoms and diseases associated with an ongoing decline of brain function.

The phrase umbrella term is used to cover a broad range of things rather than anything specific. Other umbrella terms used could include respiratory diseases and they include asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. Another umbrella term, and probably the most recognised, is cancer. Under the umbrella of cancer, you will find breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and many others. And, again, these are different cancers grouped under one word. Lung cancer could actually fall under cancer and respiratory diseases, so sometimes diseases named under one umbrella term will also fall under another.

So what does the word interpreter mean? An interpreter is someone who translates communication into another language, one that we can understand. A dementia interpreter will not only translate behaviours, actions and noises, but will also translate how the world around the person with dementia communicates with them. By learning how to translate, we will be able to make the word dementia a less intimidating word and help an estimated 54 million people currently living with dementia around the world. The goal is always to reconnect people with dementia to their families, communities and people that support them. So let's start by understanding how important communication is to all of us.