Module 7 - Body Language

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2 min 39 sec
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The Importance of Body Language in Communication

Understanding Body Language

Definition and significance of body language in communication.

  • Body language encompasses both conscious and unconscious movements and postures.
  • Non-verbal cues convey feelings and emotions effectively.

Impact on Communication

How body language influences our decisions to engage in conversation.

  • Initial judgments about approaching someone are often based on their body language.
  • Reactions to anger, sadness, and stress determine conversational approachability.

Best Practices in Body Language

Tips for exhibiting effective and approachable body language.

  • Importance of maintaining positive body language throughout interactions.
  • Reading and responding to non-verbal cues to facilitate meaningful conversations.

Creating Successful Conversations

Facilitating effective communication through mutual understanding.

  • Recognising when to speak and when to listen based on body language cues.
  • Ensuring both parties are comfortable and receptive during conversations.